Lymph Drainage, Deep Tissue Massage & Asian Body Work

The lymphatic system is responsible for helping fluid and waste leave the body and for regulating the immune system. When the lymphatic system becomes blocked, fluid builds up and stagnates, causing the entire system to become toxic, making us feel sluggish and more susceptible to viral or contagious diseases.

The role of tissue fluid is to deliver the nutrients to the cells. The role of lymph is to remove the metabolic byproducts (waste) the cells produce during nutrient metabolism which supports repair and replication of the cell.

If waste is not efficiently removed by the lymph, it is allowed to build up causing oxidative stress which can cause many health issues such as CFS and ultimately tissue damage that can result in many diseases including cancer.

Tissue damage of any neuroendocrine organ such as the adrenals, pancreas, pituitary, hypothalamus, or thyroid can result in impaired communication of the neuroendocrine system and can cause symptoms that one would seek drugs or alcohol to alleviate. The enormous nutritional requirements to metabolize and remove the thousands of toxins humans are exposed to in their food and environment today and the waste created by their metabolism which can many times be more toxic than the original toxin, can also cause deficiencies of many of the raw materials required of the brain to produce the natural feel-goods.

By stimulating this system through massage, it works more efficiently, which in turn boosts the immune system, clears blockages, eliminates toxins, transports nutrients to cells and increases the metabolism. For this reason, and many more esoteric ones such as the relaxing nature of the massage and the wonderful sensation of touch, lymph drainage massage is provided for all our clients.
