What is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation is the process by which chemicals bind with minerals. This is a common occurrence, and nature uses it frequently. Hemoglobin is the best example: it binds with iron to provide oxygen to the tissues. Plants use chlorophyll in much the same way. Many vitamins have chelating properties, including Vitamin C and A.

The primary Chelation agent used today is EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid). This is also commonly used as a food agent. If you read the labels on food packages you will often see it listed. In medicine, EDTA is administered intravenously and is used for a wide variety of problems. The most common condition that Chelation is used for today is arteriosclerosis, or blockage of the blood vessels. In nearly all cases it makes angioplasty or surgery unnecessary, thereby avoiding the substantial risks associated with these procedures. Several studies have now demonstrated that 100% of all people having open-heart (by-pass) or carotid surgery have brain damage, and for many patients this damage will be permanent. About 5% of patients die during or immediately after these surgeries. In addition, many patients will have the same problem due to blockage in the same areas, and will need repeat surgery in a few years. This is because surgery does not address the underlying causes. Surgery also treats only a few inches of the vascular system, while Chelation affects every inch of every blood vessel, treating the whole person and areas that surgery cannot reach. Several medical articles have concluded that these surgeries are used inappropriately and are used too frequently.

How many Chelation treatments will I need?

A person will usually need between 20-40 treatments for arteriosclerosis. At least one day must be taken off between IVs. Benefit is gotten per each treatment, so that the frequency is variable. That is, a person getting Chelation once a week will have the same effect at 20 treatments as a person who gets treated three times a week. The only difference is time. If you have a more urgent problem, Chelation is administered more frequently so that the benefits accumulate more rapidly. The number of treatments per week can vary, and a rigid schedule does not have to be adhered to. Each treatment takes about two hours.

Some of the Benefits of
Chelation Therapy:

  • Improved circulation
  • Reduction of liver produced cholesterol
  • Lowered insulin requirements in diabetics
  • Reduced high blood pressure
  • Normalization of cardiac arrhythmias
  • Relief from leg muscle cramps
  • Reduction in allergic symptoms
  • Normalized weight
  • Improved psychological & emotional status
  • Enhanced sensory performance
  • Fewer excessive heart contractions
  • Lessened varicose vein pigmentation
  • Lightened age spots
  • Fewer aches & pains arthritic & otherwise
  • Less reliance on pain medication
  • Hair loss stopped and reversed
  • Reversal of impotence
  • Alzheimer symptoms reversed
  • Reduced need for diuretics
  • Cold extremities warmed
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome overcome
  • Memory and concentration improved
  • Post-cataract vision loss restored
  • Skin, hair, nail improvement
  • What are other benefits of Chelation Therapy?

    Chelation has many other benefits. It removes
    a large number of toxic metals, reduces ones risk of cancer
    about 90% according to studies), helps with osteoarthritis
    and osteoporosis, diabetes and blood sugar control,
    impotence, high blood pressure, heart disease, Alzheimers,
    gout, kidney and gallbladder stones, lupus, glaucoma,
    cataracts, retinopathy and macular degeneration, scleroderma,
    gangrene, rheumatoid arthritis, heart arrhythmias,
    stroke, skin ulcers, heart valve calcification, emphysema,
    Raynauds, Parkinsons, and varicose veins. Any condition
    that is affected by decreased circulation can be treated with

    How can you measure the progress of Chelation

    Progress due to Chelation can be monitored
    in many ways. In most cases, the patient tells me that they
    improved. Angina goes away, they can walk without pain in
    their legs, they have more energy and clarity of
    thought, and aches and pains have cleared up. We can also
    measure progress through the usual methods, such as
    cardiac stress tests, ultrasound, angiography, Cardioversion,
    and Oculoplethysmography.
    Chelation is a non-specific process, meaning that it can remove
    some of the good stuff as well as the bad. For that
    reason, I suggest that everyone receive a nutritional evaluation
    and be on a vitamin/mineral supplement program.
    This helps to avoid any nutritional deficiencies from forming,
    helps the Chelation work better, and provides benefits
    that Chelation cannot. It should also be continued after Chelation,
    as it helps to correct the underlying problems that
    led to the persons ill health. Chelation reverses the current
    problems, nutrition keeps them from returning.

    Is Chelation Therapy safe?

    Chelation is extremely safe. I have never had
    anyone stop the therapy due to side effects. Some possible
    effects are
    irritation at the site of infusion, a weak or achy feeling
    after a treatment, low blood sugar, muscle spasm, and skin
    rash. The side effect that is greatly overrated is kidney
    damage. All cases occurred in the 1950s when very high
    doses were given in a short time, which is never done now.
    In fact, kidney function typically improves with
    Chelation, and even people with severe kidney problems have
    been able to receive Chelation successfully. We do
    monitor for any problems on a regular basis, but I have never
    seen a serious reaction to it. It is important that you
    eat before receiving Chelation to avoid a drop in blood sugar,
    and you should drink plenty of pure water before,
    during, and after a treatment.

    Many physicians state that Chelation is useless
    and that there is no scientific evidence to show that it works.
    reality, Chelation has been well researched and its benefits
    have been demonstrated over and over again for more
    than 50 years. There are currently over 3500 research articles
    published on EDTA and Chelation therapy. Those who
    say there is no evidence for its benefits are obviously incorrect.
    If you would like more detailed information on
    Chelation, there are many sources. Popular books include The
    Chelation Way, By-Passing By-Pass, and Forty-
    Something Forever.





